How to use the TradingView bar-replay feature? | A Definitive 10-step guide!

When it comes to technical analysis and charting, TradingView is the best platform out there. It has plenty of great features for creating and testing a trading system. One such feature is, the TradingView bar-replay.

A step-by-step guide to using the TradingView bar-replay feature:

1. When you open TradingView, you will find an option called “Chart”. As soon as you click it, it will redirect you to a blank chart template.

TradingView bar-replay

2. In the top toolbar, you will see a “Replay” option. Just click it to open the Bar Replay toolbar.

TradingView bar-replay

3. There are 6 buttons on the playback toolbar. These buttons explain their functionality with a small label when you hover over them.

TradingView bar-replay

4. After opening the replay toolbar, the chart enters the selection mode for the starting point. The Blue vertical line along with Jump To button can be used as a tip. Click on any historical bar to select the starting point of your playback.

TradingView bar-replay

5. You can launch the auto-play by clicking the Play button and can adjust the update speed using the speed button. In addition to this, you can load each data update manually by clicking the Forward button.

TradingView bar-replay

6. To select a different starting point when the playback is in process, just click the “Jump-To” button and select the new historical bar from where you want to start.

7. The replay toolbar also works in case of multiple chart layouts. It will display the replay of the active chart. You can toggle between the replays of the charts by exiting the reply of the active chart and then selecting the replay on the other.

TradingView bar-replay

8. To end the playback and return to the real-time data, all you need to do is just click the Realtime button. Pretty easy, right?

9. You can close your bar replay by clicking on the toolbar itself or by clicking the replay toolbar button from the top panel of your chart.

Obviously, the playback system is not foolproof yet and we work tirelessly so that we can improve it. But for the time being, there are a few other features and limitations that you should know about the playback mode.

– New server-side alerts can’t be created in playback mode. They only work in real-time.
– Orders are filled based on real-time data, never in playback mode.
– Quotes that are shown in the trading panel and in the watchlist match real-time data when the chart is in playback mode.
– Regression Trend and Volume Profile Fixed Range tools don’t work during playback. They will automatically adjust to the nearest point and hence, won’t give desired results.
– Indicators with security functions don’t work during the playback.
– The depth of history that is available for playback can be limited depending on the specifics of symbol data.
– Bar replay doesn’t work for Heikin Ashi, Renko, Line break, Kagi, Point, and Figure chart.

Nevertheless, the above notes shouldn’t stop you from trying out this amazing feature. TradingView bar-replay can be invaluable in analyzing your old trades or in backtesting a trading system. Do check it out!

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